Metro Offices Inspired Workspaces Blog

Pop-Up Coworking Spaces vs. Metro Offices: The Choice Is Clear!

Written by Alexis Babiarz | 07/25/2019

When you started working from home, you thought you'd get so much more done than you did in the office. No nosy coworkers coming by to gossip, no obligatory small talk to be made at the communal Keurig. Right? Unfortunately, not so much. Chances are, you got lonely -- pretty much immediately -- being by yourself so much. Loneliness can wreak serious havoc on your wellbeing.

"Working from home could ... have negative consequences for your state of mind … especially in the long term," writes contributor Larry Alton in a recent piece for the site. These include depression and the exacerbation of existing family conflicts. Uh, no, thanks.

To Pop-Up or Not to Pop-Up

So maybe instead you tried pop-up coworking spaces, those temporary, supposedly office-work-friendly spots in convenient locations. But seriously, how is some random space with four walls and a few tables or desks any different than the four walls of your living room? Sure, you may have the next Bill Gates sitting next to you writing a brilliant college thesis, but does this really inspire you or anyone you care to actually do business with?

Let's be honest. You want to be around other like-minded professionals, people with a drive to succeed but no desire to be tethered unnecessarily to any single office location. You want to take advantage of a reality that a lot of companies have been slow to accept. In many industries today, technology allows us the freedom to work wherever we want. Nowadays there's simply no across-the-board, absolute need to do the daily 9-to-5 cubicle grind. You want to be in a convenient location, but with the freedom to change that location when needed or desired. You want a variety of settings and rooms, for both meeting current clients and wowing prospects, and for doing heads-down, deadline-driven, solo work. You want on-trend amenities, but you may also be watching that budget. And you want something with no long-term contracts locking you in. 

Metro Offices to the Rescue

So why not hire that impressive college kid sitting next to you at your pop-up coworking space (with its spotty WiFi and restaurant noise, ahem) and bring the both of you to Metro Offices? With nine prime D.C. and Washington-area locations, including Dupont Circle, Reston, and Chevy Chase, Metro Offices is where work gets done. 

Personally, we love the anticipation of walking into a trophy building, gathering our thoughts in the elevator, feeling the energy of the people as we're walking into a reception area to be announced and the experience of that handshake, look-'em-in-the-eye, welcome moment with someone we're about to sit down and do business with. Walking into some pop-up coworking retail space with five empty desks and four walls is about as exciting and professional as walking into a 7-11 to buy a Big Gulp.

So start creating relationships of real professional value today. Take advantage of Metro Offices' trained teams of onsite support staff and make every day your best day. Choose from a long list of versatile office solutions, including hundreds of day offices, micro offices, flex desks, meeting rooms, collaboration spaces, project space and community cafes, all designed to inspire original thought and grow with you. 

Browse our locations to find your perfect office fit today!