Metro Offices Inspired Workspaces Blog

DC Telework: The Solutions for Managing in a Remote Environment

Written by Metro Admin | 10/15/2010

For some businesses and federal agencies trying to make telework work, it is a completely new journey. Most have policies and procedures designed for a traditional worker in a traditional office environment, and the idea of releasing an employee to work without in-person supervision is unsettling.

Why in the face of studies proving telework’s effectiveness and increases in productivity are managers still afraid of telework? Because they haven’t yet been able to let go of the idea that performance is measured by face time. The idea is that if the employee is in the office desk, in the cubicle, then, the employee must be doing his or her job.

However, anyone who works in an office environment knows that many employees sit at their desks in their cubicles and are still unproductive. Being IN the office, does not guarantee productivity. Likewise, working remotely does not guarantee lack of productivity.

In fact, many teleworkers are finding that they are able to ramp up productivity when the typical office distractions are eliminated. No break-room chit-chat or disruptions from noisy co-workers. Furthermore, employees who have the opportunity to work remotely can work during their peak performance periods and develop a healthier work-life balance.

These things make for a better, more loyal employee. Of course, this freedom to telework comes with a need for clarified expectations for performance, identifying measurable results. It also calls for the right telework solutions and support to keep the employee productive and on-task, even though he or she is away from the office.

The good news is there are DC telework solutions specially designed to meet these unique needs and provide the support necessary to develop healthy telework programs for businesses, federal agencies and DC government contractors.

Learn more about how your business can implement a telework program utilizing DC Telework Solutions by visiting Metro Offices online at